
Anthem Health Care Cyber Attack Analysis

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many different things that you also need to think about as well. Just like how roads made travel easier for people hundreds of years ago but then also brought forth enemies on those very roads, you have to be aware of the problems that can come when you transfer more of your information and data online. A few of the major data breaches that have occurred recently should show exactly what you should and what you should not be doing to protect your organization from being next on the list. Anthem Health Care Cyber Attack According to Bankrate, one of the most devastating attacks occurred in January of 2015, but had actually started several weeks earlier before it was even caught. In the process, over 80 million patients and employee records were …show more content…

Your life literally goes on display when you are trying to campaign for public office, and when that office is to be leader of the free world, then you can simply imagine why so many people will become obsessed with the position, news, and the power as well. For the Clinton campaign and Hillary herself, the hack that occurred could wind up swinging the election out of her favor. It is too hard to say if it will or if it will not, but one thing is certain and that is when you are in the middle of an election you should rely on business video conferencing software for IT by BlueJeans in order to run the campaign, transfer information, and feel …show more content…

However, if you have just been paying attention recently, then you will recognize that eBay has been in hot water according to Forbes, all due to the hacks that have occurred. An international hack was carried out, and in the process, almost 150 million customer accounts were accessed and possibly affected negatively. The biggest problem is that those accounts could include personal information such as shipping info, credit cards, PayPal accounts, and even more sensitive data. Instead of just allowing the cyber-attack to occur in roughly February or March of 2014, eBay should have taken additional steps to continue securing their servers. Some also question whether it is necessary for eBay to hold the data including addresses and other information for their customers and for the shipping requirments. The fact that they already push out much of their billing info to PayPal does help, but it could have been even better if they would push the sensitive data out to other third parties and other

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