
Anticipatory Grief

Decent Essays

Empirical referents are cases or categories of actual observable phenomena that are measurable (Walker & Avant, 1995). The empirical referents of anticipatory grief were determined from the refining of the characteristics of it through reviewing model and additional cases above. The empirical referents of anticipatory grief are: i) having perception and acknowledgement, ii) the timing is prior to their own or others’ loss or death, iii) having grief symptom clusters, and iv) its intensity depending on grief work or the closeness to the person or the thing.

Anticipatory grief is the results of several factors. These risk factors and causes are the antecedents of anticipatory grief. There are five antecedents of anticipatory grief: …show more content…

There are several distinct meanings of anticipatory grief based on the four resources from non-nursing disciplines in the following explication.
The first study is one psychology professor’s autobiographical case (Comerchero, 2014). The timing of anticipatory grief can even be after the loss from a different view in this study. The author argued that anticipatory grief can occur while currently experiencing the death of her loved one, which is distinguished from the definition of anticipatory grief in nursing discipline. Even after the loss, individuals’ coping process can be present in anticipatory grief based on the model of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1969). The second study described the distinct pattern of experiencing anticipatory grief associated with substance use (Templeton et al., 2016). Some people questioned their grief because they felt that they do not have the right to grieve and tend to devalue these deaths. The lack of knowledge and understanding about substance use and stigma can provide families with different perceptions towards anticipatory grief. The family expressed denial towards grief and addressed that they do not need to feel grief. This denial and not having grief are distinct properties compared to one of the attributes of anticipatory grief in nursing

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