
Archetypes In Beowulf Essay

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Beowulf, the wonderful--yet very tragic--epic poem expresses the true importance of heroes and outcasts within any given myth. A hero is a character who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; while an outcast is a character who is separated from society due to a physical impairment or an emotional or physiological realization that makes him/her different. These characters are also known as archetypal characters. Some of these characters include Beowulf, Wiglaf, Grendel, and Grendel’s mother--all of which are essential to the completion of Beowulf. For a myth to be successful, an outcast and hero must be present because each plays a significant role in the storyline. There are several characters in Beowulf who represent the hero and outcast archetype. Beowulf represented courage, strength, and respect. These qualities allowed him to become both the hero and outcast within Beowulf. Wiglaf, along with Beowulf, represented the hero archetype, as well. However, Grendel, Beowulf, and Grendel’s mother all represent the outcasts within the epic poem because they were all isolated, away from society. While each character acquires separate roles within the poem, they all have a major impact on the foundation and background of the poem. Beowulf, one of the heroes, …show more content…

Outcasts are often viewed with a negative connotation; however, Beowulf’s outcast feature was rather positive. While in battle, Beowulf separated himself from the other Geats, due to his strength and courage. No other man was quite like Beowulf. In his battle with Grendel, he stood out by pulling Grendel’s arm off. While in the marsh, Beowulf separated himself by risking his life to kill Grendel’s mother. When battling the dragon, he was left by all of his warriors, causing him to be alone. This unique feature of Beowulf was significant in the poem because it showed some characters were blended into other character

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