
Argument Against Euthanasia In Canada

Satisfactory Essays

Euthanasia can be a life reliever to the patients in pain and suffering from an illness that is incurable, or can go completely against the morals and values of cultural groups. It is quite controversial, and is debated among society whether it is right to take the life of a patient who requests it or not. The facts must be considered about this issue before any laws and/or guidelines are set into place. As of right now, euthanasia is viewed by the Canadian government to be culpable homicide. Although illegal in Canada, other countries that have adopted this procedure have demonstrated an improvement in their availability and quality for palliative care- the care for patients facing life threatening illnesses. However, for Canada to endorse this procedure would mean for our health system to provide more money in order to have access to palliative care resources. Because our health care system is a public system, there would have to be commitment from the community to fund it. Additionally, as of June 26th, 2012, “80% of voters part …show more content…

Firstly, people who choose to end their life due to a terminal illness are freeing hospital beds and resources for other patients who have a chance of getting better, or wish to continue living. Such resources can be used to research the disease which the terminally ill patient was suffering from, which can be to the benefit of future patients with that disease. Most importantly, euthanasia relieves the patient from a slow, painful death, depending on their illness. Although pain medications can be used to ease the pain the patients are experiencing, most of these medications have unpleasant side effects. Someone who wishes to be relieved of their life due to a life crippling illness should be granted their wish and should not have to suffer further. With this in mind, euthanasia is a procedure which should be offered to

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