
Argumentative Essay: Do People Have Free Will?

Decent Essays

Do you have something in your hands? If you do not at the moment, then I would like you to grab a small object, like a pencil for instance. Once you have something, I would like you to drop it. What occurred after the drop? Your object fell, right? Did it have the option to impede its fall? No, because your object cannot make its own decisions. This exemplifies the opposite of what it is to have free will. This often bewilders many people because of free will’s complex mechanism. People who believe we do have free will also believe that we should be held responsible for our own choices. The people who do not agree with free will believe that our lives are predetermined. They believe that we should not be held responsible for our choices because …show more content…

For instance, unless we are an innocent child or insane, we have the choice to kill. Free will states that we can stand up from where we are sitting right now and kill any person we want. Just because we can do it does not mean we will in most cases. In this case, the idea of killing someone may not come up in people minds for two reasons, they may know the consequences after the crime is committed or they may not have, reason to kill someone in the first place. Many people may think similarly because we become aware that we will have to face several consequences and thus know that we will be held responsible for our …show more content…

They begin by selecting what college is suitable for them. There are so many different roads that they can take. People who believe in free will will say that each student has the freedom to select where they want to go to college according to their own individual goals and likes. In some circumstances, most parents do not grant them that option, because they typically pay for them or simply because they assume that what their students want to study will not be as successful as something else. However, students can choose not to let their parent’s bias affect their decisions, and that is when they exercise their free will. Every student reasons differently, thus they will each have their individual conclusions, but free will permits them to have that sovereignty. With that power, there comes responsibilities. In this case, they will be morally liable for their judgments because they had other routes they could have taken but decided on only

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