
Argumentative Essay On Screen Time

Satisfactory Essays

Screen time limits for children and letting go of the fear of screen time for kids has been a dicussion for quite some time now. All parents, I believe, have argued over which is best; Massive amounts of screen time is bad for your children and the use of screen time is good for your child/children. In some cases, screen time limit for kids can be the best choice. According to the passage experts have long known that TV watching is not good for children. There are many ways to have access to screen time now with all the televisions, personal DVD players. cell phones and tablets around. In the articale about screen time limits states that between 2011 and 2013, children ages 8 and under more than doubled the use of media devices with …show more content…

Despite the long-standing guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics kids 2 years and older should be limited to 1 to 2 hours a day and those that the 2 years and younger shouldnt have any screen time at all. Screen time takes mental and physical toll on kids. In the article it says that a scientific journal article stated light from screens also fractures viewers' attention and mental energy. It also states that for the first time in fifty years, researchers are seeing a significant decrease in kids' creativity. Now, in the arugment of less or more screen time for children, the articale about letting go of screen time fears has it's pros and cons as well. Some studies show watching too much TV causes lower test scores, obesity in children and weak executive functions. In the passage it says that these studies are flawed. Kids who watch more TV often share other demographic factors in common that also have been proved to be connected to similar concerns. Critics often push the agurment of "screen time versus green time". The agurment has to do with the blame for children not playing outside, which TV and video games. But this argument over looks the factors such as child supervision, safety, and access to outdoor green

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