
Arizona’s Immigration Law Essay

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It is clear that illegal immigration has gotten out of control and constringent measures need to be taken to protect the United States borders. The local Government of Arizona recently decided to take control of the situation, by passing the “Support our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act” {House Bill 2162}. This bill gives law enforcement officers and agencies the authority, to lawfully stop, detain and arrest anyone who appears to look like an illegal alien. The bill out-right condones racial profiling and it violates civil rights, as well!
Home Land security statistics on immigration verifies that there are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants who reside in the United States. In Arizona, there is an estimate of 460,000 …show more content…

In addition, State Senator Russell Pearce (R) seems to be quite friendly with J.T Ready who is known member of the Neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement. His association to the White Supremacist, J. T Ready has caused citizens to question his motivation behind the new immigration law (Beirich Heidi).
Kris Kobach the main legal mind behind Arizona’s new immigration law, in the past has been associated with racial profiling. Kobach was U.S Attorney John Ashcroft’s leading Advisor on immigration. He invented the “National Security Entry-Exit Registration System” {NSEERS}. The program was developed to closely observe Arab and Muslim Men; and sometimes U.S citizens. On December 1 2003, NSEERS was suspended. The termination was due to allegations of racial profiling and discrimination which violates civil rights. In April 2010, Kris Kobach and Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, was accused of racial profiling. These allegations led to a federal grand jury investigation. Kris Kobach is currently an attorney for legal arm for the Federation of American Immigration Reform {FAIR}. FAIR is listed as an anti-immigrant hate group since 2007 by SPLC. It is considered a hate group; it received donations of $1.2 million from Pioneer Fund a foundation that was established by Nazi affiliates (Bauer Mary). The Legal Director of Southern Poverty Law Center {SPLC} has implied that Kris Kobach is an anti-immigration lawyer and racist in several articles.

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