
Army Counseling Essay

Satisfactory Essays

This is your initial counseling, as your direct supervisor and Team Leader. I will underline what is expected of you as my soldier.

Accountability: You will be reporting to any formation and hit times 10 minutes. If you have any trouble making a formation or hit time you will let me know. Failure to do so will result in being counseled.

APFT: PT is not optional. You must ensure you keep up with your physical fitness. If pt with the detachment or team isn't pushing you, you must conduct pt on your own and continue to grow. Remember the Special Reaction Team standard is a 270 pt score or higher.

Military Appearance: You are expected to maintain CLEAN and SERVICEABLE uniforms at ALL times. Your military appearance needs to be I.A.W. AR 670-1 which states Soldiers must project a military image that leaves no doubt that they live by a common military standard and uphold military order and discipline. Your boots should not be worn and discolored. Purchase a boot cleaning kit to keep your boots clean. Your uniform should be clean, crisp, and without holes. There should not be permanent stains such as ink, dirt, or sweat on …show more content…

As a member of the Special Reaction Team we are all very close but remember to give the proper custom and courtesy to all the NCOs and officers.

Career Progression: Education is highly encouraged. If you have not completed SSD-1, maxed out correspondence courses or enrolled in college, I highly encourage you to do so. These are ways for advancement that are completely within your control. If you are not sure on how to do something, ask me for guidance. That's why I'm here.

Personal Issues: Any personal or family issues that arise, make sure to inform me so that I can give you whatever support you may need. Do not be afraid to approach me with any concerns you may have, I cannot help a problem if I don't know the problem

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