
Arnado: A Short Story

Decent Essays

The bell rang, Arnando had a test to take this morning and wasn't looking forward to it. He was worried that he wouldn’t get a superb grade as he had on past tests. Either way Arnando had to take the test and soon forgot, since he took it on a Friday and was oblivious by the time he was back in school. When Arnando came back to school,he was reminded about the assessment he had taken on Friday, when Mrs. Alexia announced she graded all the tests over the weekend. Arnando began to get a bit edgy and seemed to be worried about the current situation. Soon, Arnando was handed his test back, but the teacher didn’t say “Good job” when she had handed it back to him, like she usually did. When Arnando flipped over his paper, he saw the thing he feared would happen, actually happen. Arnando had received the worst grade he had ever gotten, a …show more content…

I could only think of the worst and began to feel a bit sweaty. Either way I flipped over my paper and my heart sank, I was greeted by a big, red “F” that was circled on my test. Accompanying the “F” was 64% also in a red ink. “I don’t even want to to imagine how my parents are going to react to such a low grade!” At the end of the day I began to brace myself for the emotions of both my mother and father.

“Oh no, here she comes well it can’t be so bad” I thought as my mother came towards me. “How was your day honey?” I replied with a simple, “Good, thank you” obviously lying since, I had just failed my first test ever. “Are you sure? You look kinda down.” Under the pressure of guilt, I handed my mom my paper and braced myself. My mother looked at the paper confused for a bit...then her eyes widened bigger than I could ever imagine someone could. “What is this...this is a joke correct?” She was so shocked she didn’t know what to do she exclaimed, then, she called my

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