
Artificial Organ Failure Essay

Decent Essays

There are multiple positive and negative effects to implementing an artificial organ into a human with health problems. According to Niharika Arya on Buzzle, “The time taken to create or grow an artificial organ is lesser than the waiting period for finding a suitable donor whose organ matches with the recipient’s body perfectly.” Over the years, organ donors have become less and less common, and the need for more organs have become prominent everywhere; but, with the help of artificial organs, people no longer have to feel obligated into donating their precious organs. Unfortunately, there are risks in everything and not everything is perfect. Therefore, artificial organs are no exception. The chances of organ failure are high, considering the fact that how the body reacts to a new organ is different amongst all people. If the artificial organ transplant did fail, the …show more content…

Some religious people are worried if implanting artificial organs into a human body is a form of playing God. Others are only concerned about the extremely high prices that could cause problems for low-income people. Amongst those apprehensions, people fear that scientists would soon use artificial organs for the sake of human enhancement (i.e: replacing bones with stronger, artificial ones). Also, if the treatment happens to fail, who would be held accountable for it? Would it be nobody or the surgeon? There is no correct way to answer how ethical artificial organs are. After all, how could one answer such a question full of different possible choices? What exactly does the future of bioprinting have in store for this world? One could never be too sure. Despite the fact that artificial organs seem alien to a profuse amount of people, its current state in development justifies that bioprinted organs have the potentiality to do great things to those in

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