
Asian Cultures, Languages, Negotiation Styles, And Business Practices

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Why is it important for you to increase your knowledge and skill in Asian cultures, languages, negotiation styles, and business practices? Asia accounts for 59.78% of the total world population. In fact, China and India alone constitute about 37% of the world population. The total number of Asian countries is 48, including three of the most powerful forces in the global market, China, India, and Indonesia. Those three countries make up more than 40 percent of the earth’s inhabitants (Moran, Harris, & Moran, 2011, p. 323). The population of the Asia region of the world contributes a massive amount of exporting goods, and global business as a whole. The sheer number of people consuming goods that must be imported to support the large population force the need for trade with other regions. The demand for resources is high and the need to develop strong trade relations with other countries is vital to the continued growth and success of Asian countries. Therefore, it is important to increase our knowledge of Asian cultures, languages, negotiation styles, and business practices to further develop business relations that are favorable to the continued growth and development of our own country and the global marketplace. The Asia countries make a massive impact on global economics and trade relations which also affects the political aspects related to international relationships. When westerners are doing business in the any region of the world, it is important to

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