
Assessment And Formative Assessment

Decent Essays

“the process used by teachers and students to recognize and respond to student learning to enhance that learning, during the learning” (Cowie & Bell, 1999, p. 32) is one way to define formative assessments. This definition stresses the idea of formative assessment being a continuous process which should improve teaching, learning, and achievement. Therefore, when reflecting upon the assessment strategies observed within my classroom to be most the effective in progressing learning the one thing that comes to my mind is a formative assessment. The best way to understand formative assessment is by comparing it and contrasting it with summative assessments. In this essay, I will critically analyze how formative assessment may be used …show more content…

It is the evidence that has been gathered by a practitioner over a period to make a judgment about where the child is now. It is conducted at the end of the course. It treats abilities as they were finite and absolute. Whereas formative assessment is defined by Cohen, L (2010) as feedback for teacher and student for their current learning achievements, strength and weakness so they know what to do next to improve, enhance or extend learning. Formative assessments are an ongoing process of observations they are administered throughout the unit and recorded daily. For that formative assessment accepts that abilities can develop and change. Also, summative assessment doesn’t help individual students since it does not provide feedback on a particular aspect of knowledge or skill within a subject area. Whereas the primary purpose of formative assessments is to improve instruction and provide student feedback the students use the results in a formative assessment to self-monitor understanding. A study conducted by Black and William (1998) concludes that formative assessment does improve students learning. Its cyclist approach observes

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