
Athenian Men Roles

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The Roles and Responsibilities of groups in an Athenian Ancient Society. What were the objectives of education in Ancient Athens, and what were the roles and responsibilities for young boys throughout their education? What were women’s roles and responsibilities in the city-state of Ancient Athens? In the Attica area of Ancient Greece around 500bce-200bce was a powerful democratic city-state called Athens. In ancient Athens, young women and girls learnt household tasks like weaving and sewing. On the other hand, Athenian boys learnt how to have a healthy body and healthy mind.
Ancient Athenian boy’s education was primarily designed to produce a well-rounded male citizen. Before the age of 6 the boys were often tutored by their mother or male slave. At a young age of 6, boys started going to primary school and learnt to improve their bodies and minds, the boys always had a male teacher and their ‘basic’ education finished at age 16. Boys from …show more content…

Athenian women were not formally educated, rather their mothers would have taught them skills and tasks needed to run a household. Her life would center on the house and the children, although most citizen wives had slaves to carry out many tasks. There were other classes of women who were less respected than house wives, these included hetaera, pornoi, poor women, and slaves. A woman who was in an intellectual debate was called a hetaera (courtesan), hetaeras had the freedom of going where they wanted, when they wanted. Most courtesan women were intelligent and could intellectually entertain their guests. The civic life in which Athenian women were most free to participate in a religious role were the priestesses who were most necessary to organise the hundreds of religious events that occurred in Athens. These women played an important role in Panthenia the annual festival in honour of Athena. These women had high status, freedom and were able to remain

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