
Australia At War (1945): World War I

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ACTIVITY ONE: AUSTRALIA AT WAR MISS LAURA MARSDEN | HISTORY | YEAR 9: 30 MINUTES Knowledge: Australia at war (1914 – 1945): World War I: Different historical interpretations and contested debates about World War I and the significance of Australian commemorations of the war (VCHHK144) Concepts and skills learnt: - Analyse and corroborate sources and evaluate their accuracy, usefulness and reliability, analyse different perspectives and evaluate different historical interpretations and contested debates (VCHHC123), (VHCHHC124) & (VCHHC125) - Evaluate the historical significance of an event, idea, individual or place (VCHHC128) For task sheet see Appendix A. This task will occur once the students have some context knowledge of World War 1. Each table group is given a 'side', they ten have to create a mind map about how that person, event or 'side' interprets WWI. These mind maps will then be passed

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