
Autobiography Sample

Satisfactory Essays

Does the task of memoir writing puzzle you? It’s alright. This autobiography example for students is here to show you that memoir writing can be easy and even exciting. All you need to do is to scroll this page down and enjoy this amazing sample and the related, practical hints. A Lazy Student Autobiography Example An autobiography is a story of your own life. Even if you think you don’t have much to include in your memoir, you can still make it quite interesting. Bill Gates said: “I always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because he will find an easy way to do it.” This is why we found a lazy but smart student to write an autobiography and we now share the easiest ways to do it with you. So, here is a student memoir sample, …show more content…

My ups and downs. (This part will show that you analyze your experiences and try to learn certain lessons from them.) Sure, I understand that life is not just a bed of roses and challenges and hardships are an integral element of life. As my parents could not help me to cover my college expenses in full, paying off my student loan has become an important challenge for me. I combine a part-time job and full-time study to earn my living and my education. Yet, I feel triumphant at the beginning of every month when I receive my wages and I plan how I will spend my money… An Autobiography Template for Students Simply complete these phrases, develop the ideas, add some specific details to your student autobiography examples and ta da!! Your A-level autobiography is ready! 1. I was born in… 2. I was an active (quiet, knowledge-loving, shy, curious, etc.) child. 3. My childhood dream was… 4. My earliest memory is… 5. I am grateful to my parents (teachers/ friends), because… 6. My role-model was… 7. My lifetime dream is… 8. The most memorable day in my life was… 9. The phrase that I will never forget was… 10. If only one of my dreams could come true, I would wish

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