
Becoming A Visionary Leader : Steve Jobs

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Steve Jobs Imagine a world without computers or smart phones. What would society do? Where would modern technology be? All it took was one man with an innovative vision to revolutionize modern day society as we know it. The late and great Steve Jobs was one of those visionary leaders that pushed ethical boundaries to their limits. According to an article by Forbes (Gallo, 2013), Jobs stated “how does somebody know what they want if they haven’t even seen it?”. Jobs paved the way for the products we know and use today such as the iPod and iPad and it started with the establishment of Apple. Jobs unorthodox methods and drive for success drove many business partners to the brink just as he did with his Apple Mobile Me project team. Jobs may have been deemed a bit eccentric, but his visionary influence inspired me to become a visionary leader. I try to emulate his passion and vision in such a way to motivate and stimulate our Airmen to think outside the box. I truly believe this is paramount for young Airmen in becoming better leaders for the future and sustainment of our Air Force. While Steve Jobs vision was merely a dream any entrepreneur would desire to achieve, he managed to transform several industries forever.
Visionary Leader Steve Jobs was renowned to be one of the most intelligent and innovative thinkers of our time. The Barnes Center (2014d, p. 38) defines a leader as “someone who influences others to achieve a goal.” Jobs did just that. In

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