
Behind The Bedroom Wall Essay

Decent Essays

Behind The Bedroom Wall, by Laura E. Williams, is the book that will make you rethink what freedom really is. This book takes place in 1939 with the 13-year-old German girl named Korinna Rehme who is an active member of the local Jungmadel which is a place where children had to learn about Adolf Hitler. Korinna Rehme believes that Hitler is a good man; she listens to him speak about the “Jewish Problem”, and she even has a picture of him in her living room. Korrina agreed with Hitler when he said that the Jews, along with other races, were making Germany weaker. Along with the idea that Jews were making Germany frail, Hitler also states Jews were the reason they lost WWI. Because of this, Korrina believes that she is a loyal German, well, until she finds a Jewish family living in a small, enclosed room in her bedroom wall. Historical events like mistreatment of Jews, Hitler’s reign, and hiding Jewish people are all featured in Behind the Bedroom Wall which makes this novel historically accurate. From 1933 to 1945, hiding Jews was a massive event in Germany. Many Germans risked …show more content…

Hitler demanded Jews and other races to be put in concentration and work camps and commanded that they do hard labor. Jews were blamed for all of Germany’s problems. Jews were discriminated against and tortured based on their race. They fled their houses and businesses as Hitler burnt them to the ground. They were also abused and beat by the Germans. Korrina and another group of Germans discriminated against a small group of young Jewish children and mistreated them by throwing snowballs that were mainly ice at their faces till they bled. Mistreatment and discrimination among Jews and other races was a challenge that the characters in Behind the Bedroom wall faced along with actual people in the real

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