
Beowulf A Hero's Journey

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To be a hero in the Anglo-Saxon period the person must be a warrior, One that must be able to face any situation, and be very intelligent. The hero must also be courageous and willing to fight and die for their people. To become a real hero the person must go through the cycle that all heros experience during life, referred to as the “Hero’s Journey”. It is steps and stages on the hero’s life which includes, the calling to adventure , supernatural or aid by mentor, the facing of the issue or calling, and return home. To be honored for their success by their people when returned back to their home. In the text Beowulf the Anglo-Saxon hero is well represented by the actions of Beowulf. His unnatural powers of help are unmatchable he is fearless …show more content…

The first battle was his hand to hand battle with Grendel at the Mead Hall after playing the music to lour grendel to where he would kill him. This is where intelligence and supernatural strength comes into play. Beowulf knew the only way to get Grendel to attack was to play loud music. He was a fair warrior and decided to not use a weapon when he became aware that gGrendel didn't have a weapon, so that the fight would be fair and even match. Beowulf was the only man on the island that had the will strength and will to fight grendel with his bare hands. When gGrendel arrived, Beowulf watched one of his men die. After seeing this Beowulf attacked gGrendel and with his super strength he managed to rip off grendel’s arm and use it as a trophy to be be honored for his bravery and success. A trophy was very important in the Anglo-Saxon period, it was something that was taken during war and kept as a momento. When gGrendel is killed, gGrendel’s mother comes for revenge for her son’s killing and killed more of the king’s people over night. Beowulf keeps his word about protecting the people as a true hero would and swims through the lake to gGrendel’s mother's underwater lair and evades her home with intentions of killing her with a sword. For in return of Beowulf’s sacrifice and bravery he is given the king’s position of the island and is honored for years by his people. Only a true Anglo-saxon hero would

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