
Beowulf: A Modern Day Hero

Decent Essays

Beowulf is the epic poem that tells the story of a warrior and his heroic adventures. In the story, Beowulf is hailed a hero after defeating Grendel and his mother. Despite being presented as one, Beowulf is not a hero by today’s standards. Beowulf is too conceited to be considered a hero. A modern day hero is someone who is selfless and helps others for nothing in return. Contrary to this, Beowulf brags and is fighting for the sole purpose of adding upon his fame and glory. During his battle with Grendel’s mother, he struggled to defeat her. It is then said that “Beowulf longed only for fame, leaped back into battle” (37). Beowulf is not fighting Grendel’s monstrous mother to protect the people, but for the fame that he will gain from it. Another example of Beowulf’s arrogance is that before he goes off to fight the dragon, he says “But I will fight again, seek fame still, If the dragon hiding in his tower dares to face me” (609). Even in old age, he is only concerned with his lof, or fame, more so than the wellbeing of his people. All of this is demonstrative of Beowulf’s true, selfish motivation for the heroic deeds he performs on his adventure, not characteristics of a modern …show more content…

After killing Grendel’s mother, Beowulf took “Grendel’s head and the hilt of the giants’ jeweled sword” (570). All of these items are trophies that display Beowulf’s great acts. When people see them, they will know of his bravery, further increasing his fame and glory. Towards the end of the story, after defeating the dragon, Beowulf says “Hurry, bring me ancient silver, precious jewels, shining armor and gems, before I die” (758). Beowulf wants the last thing he sees before he dies to be the dragon’s treasure. He finally achieved lof when his request for a monument to be built of him was fulfilled. Rewards are not what is important to a present-day hero, but to Beowulf, they are a necessity for his

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