
Beowulf Anglo Saxon Hero Essay

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In Anglo Saxon Literature, to be a hero was to be a warrior. A hero encompasses all of these assets and more; generosity, bravery, intelligences. Warriors had to be willing to face any obstacle and sacrifice themselves to death, for the well being of their people. The hero usually had all those characteristics and was also kindhearted and genuine. "These Anglo-Saxon heroes usually were kings or thanes because they distinguished themselves above others by doing a good for the greater of everyone. This person has to be willing to put their own lives on the line for the benefit of others."(Epic) The perfect example of a story from anglo saxon literature is Beowulf. The whole Beowulf story has anglo saxon characteristics. Before going into the book of beowulf, heres some Anglo saxon history to begin with. In 43A.D. Romans invade Britain and encountered the Celts, Romans built roads, huge buildings and forts. Then Christianity is introduced and in 420A.D. the Romans leave. In …show more content…

He exemplifies this is various different ways. He shows his heroic character in three different instances. The three of the different conflicts are with Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon. When Beowulf reaches Heorot he is challenged by the guard who states that a mans measure is known by his words and actions; this is the Anglo Saxon cultural value of honor, on makes a bast or promise and then must live up to it. At the end of the poem Beowulf is a king and as a king is the protector of his people, he knows that the dragon will kill him but it is his duty and his duty alone to protect his people so he tries to kill the dragon single handedly. Wiglaf knows it is his sworn duty to protect his king and when he sees Beowulf fall he joins the fight. This is the cultural values of duty and honor. "Venturing closer, his talon was raised to attack Beowulf where he lay on the bed; he was bearing in with open claw when the alert

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