
Beowulf As A Christian Hero

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In addition, Beowulf exemplifies many features that define him as a Christian hero as well by specifically resembling a Christ figure. The monster Grendel instills an overall feeling of fear of death on the citizens of Heorot. When Beowulf arrives and defeats Grendel, he subsequently and momentarily releases the people of these bonds of fear, much like Jesus releases the people from the fear of death by dying for their sins and ensuring an eternally ideal afterlife. Additionally, the author portrays Grendel as an incarnation of the Christian devil throughout the story. Many of his characteristics resemble those of Satan. This includes the fact that he belongs to the lineage of Cain and the fact that his and his mother’s home provokes images of hell. However, another enemy of Beowulf also resembles Satan: the dragon. The bible describes Satan as “the great dragon…the serpent of old”. This description draws an interesting comparison between Beowulf’s battle with the dragon and Jesus’ experience in the garden of Gethsemane. In Matthew 26:36-56, Jesus tells his eleven disciples not to fight the people that capture him and willingly sacrifices himself for the good of the people despite the betrayal by Judas, one of his own. Similarly, eleven men follow Beowulf when he faces the dragon. Just like Jesus knew his predetermination to die for his people, Beowulf recognizes his mortality and knows his time on earth is ending. Beowulf slays the dragon, but the cost is his life. While

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