
Beowulf As A Hero's Journey

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For Beowulf to retain its relevance after a journey from single surviving manuscript to famous epic poem, one can assume its star role is filled by a character extraordinary. The poem’s hero, Beowulf, strikingly resembles many renown principal characters. It would be an uphill battle arguing against him joining the likes of Hercules, Jesus Christ, and many more in their Übermensch status. Based on his words and actions, it is painstakingly clear that Beowulf is an archetypal hero; someone who shares the common characteristics of a hero, and follows what Joseph Campbell calls “the hero’s journey” (Campbell 45-221). The hero’s journey, often referred to as the monomyth, is a three-act process – separation, initiation, and return – with a …show more content…

These trials tend to be violent battles, and while engulfed in the problem at hand, the hero experiences “freedom to live” – a loss of negative emotions where one is completely living in the moment. While exercising his freedom to live, the hero charges into the belly of the whale, the point of no return. The ultimate boon occurs when the antagonist is defeated, and the hero reemerges from the belly of the whale. The initial journey is now complete, and the return threshold is crossed on the trip back home. In his homeland, the hero is recognized by the father, king, or people who praise him for his courage and good deeds. Every step along the journey came with its own wisdom and growth. The hero who sets out in response to the call is now the master of both worlds – one who is competent alongside the order of his homeland as well as the chaos that lies beyond. The adventure-worn champion experiences apotheosis for his efforts, where he transcends his former self with a newfound perspective. At last, order is restored, that is, until another call is heard. Although the hero has experienced apotheosis, there is once again an inevitable refusal of the call. The issues with the call are quickly resolved, and the hero embarks on his magic flight towards the opponent. When the battle between good and evil comes down to the wire, the rescue from without occurs, where the

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