
Beowulf As An Epic Hero

Decent Essays

Beowulf is the most famous poems in old English. There are three cases/conflict Beowulf encounters, first the battle with Grendel then the battle of Grendel’s mothe and the battle with the dragon “A hero is a person, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” “Epic heroes posses qualities that mere mortals lack, the epic hero often battles for good, or accomplishes a set of tasks to complete an important goal.” This hero gets his qualities at birthright; Beowulf is the ultimate hero who put his life in danger for another kingdom. Beowulf’s heroism was seen when he takes his 14 of his men to help Hrothgar, he was Beowulf father’s closest friend. Hrothgar’s kingdom had been cursed by attacks for the last 12 years that threatened the whole kingdom. …show more content…

So it comes time for them to fight and Beowulf fought Grendel with no weapons, during the fight Grendel notices that Beowulf is super strong and that means business “Had he met a man whose hands were harder; His mind was flooded with fear- but nothing could take his talons and himself from that tight Hard grip” Beowulf hangs Grendel’s arm on the ceiling. Later Beowulf discovers that there’s another monster he has to kill, Grendel’s mother, who is even more hard-core than Grendel. In the battle with Grendel’s mother Beowulf once again show his super strength, get a huge sword and kills Grendel’s mother with it, the sword was so massive they said no regular man’s strength could lift

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