
Beowulf Epic Hero

Decent Essays

Hero is a term that is very over used in modern-day society. People often use the word to describe someone who has simply helped another person out without risking anything himself. However, though these people do deserve to be praised, they are not real heroes. Beowulf, on the other hand, frequently displays all the qualities that a hero should have and is absolutely deserving of that title. Beowulf is an exemplary archetypal epic hero because he is very ethical, is a strong and responsible leader, and demonstrates superior strength, intelligence, and courage. First of all, Beowulf proves himself to be very ethical. Throughout the course of the poem, he made numerous decisions based on the right thing to do, instead of what was easy or beneficial. …show more content…

He demonstrates his strength most frequently throughout the story. He is said to fight with the strength of thirty men and defeats a monster who also has the strength of thirty men in hand-to-hand combat by ripping his arm completely off. Beowulf also shows great strength in the battle with Grendel’s mother. In this battle, he holds his breath for hours and then kills the monster by lifting and swinging a sword made for giants which no ordinary man could lift. When he comes back from that fight, he carries Grendel’s head and the giant sword hilt from the depths of the lake to its surface, where it takes eight of his men to carry that very same head. In the battle with the dragon, his great strength is on display again as he swings his sword so hard that it breaks. He shows great courage in all three of these battles as well, fighting three different monsters in different ways with a real possibility of death in each one, all to help defend people who could not defend themselves. Lastly, he displays his intelligence in the battle with the dragon by fashioning a shield out of metal instead of wood so the dragon’s flames would not burn it. He also shows his great intelligence in his reply to Unferth’s insults, in which he defuses the situation, expresses his qualifications, and takes credibility away from Unferth. Beowulf demonstrates superior strength, intelligence, and courage constantly throughout the

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