
Beowulf Hero Quotes

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The Hero Beowulf is an epic poem you can relate to life today. He was like any other hero very brave, loyal and a really great leader. His followers looked up to him and obeyed him. Beowulf also had a few enemies, but that wouldn’t stop him from doing anything to keep his people save from the monsters. In this poem you would see several ways that shows Beowulf being a great hero. One reason on how Beowulf is great a hero is because of his leadership. What Beowulf says to his followers before he was going to fight a monster was “I’d use no sword, no weapon, if this beast could be killed without it, crushed to death like Grendel, gripped in my hands and torn Limb from Limb” What Beowulf is meaning that he is too old to be using weapons or sword and that he actually wants to finish this monster with his own hands. And that he wants to fight his own battle without anything on him or anyone helping him. This quote also gives an example of Imagery. “Gripped in my hands and torn Limb from Limb” this part from the …show more content…

He lets his faith of the lord take over his battle. Beowulf says “I am in no way weaker than Grendel. For this reason will I not give his life to the sleep of death with a sword He has no skill with a sword mighty though he may be in his horrific feats. We shall make war without weapons. Let the wise God, the holy Lord, decree success on whichever side seems right to Him” What Beowulf is explaining in this quote is that there’s no reason why they should both use swords or weapons, When they both are as just weak, & they both don’t have many skills he point out that he wants the lord to make that big decision to decide on who gets to stay alive. This part of the quote gives an example of a metaphor “I am in no way weaker than Grendel” Beowulf is comparing him and Grendel being both as weak without using like or

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