
Beowulf Hero Traits

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True heroes are brave and bold. They often sacrifice themselves in order to save many others. In a multitude of works of literature, heroes are common and often symbolize the good of humanity and the strength of self. In the epic poem, Beowulf, the character Beowulf, the defender of Geat and Herot, clearly exemplifies the traits that mark an ideal hero. Beowulf’s strength, quest for glory, and egocentric personality characterize him as a true hero.
Beowulf’s immense physical and mental strength is a typical trait of the classic hero. He rises to the challenge of defeating impossibly powerful monsters and beasts without hesitation. Mentally, he does not shy away from the horrors of humanity and of the world. While others flee, Beowulf is brave and stands …show more content…

Beowulf even risks his life for a multitude of people! This sort of mental fortitude is common in epic poems and works of fiction, such as The Odyssey, where the hero has to save humanity as the world knows it. Additionally, Beowulf is physically powerful. During the massive fight with Grendel, Beowulf aggressively rips Grendel’s arm off of his body so that “the bleeding sinews deep in [Grendel’s] shoulder/ snapped” (lines 390-391). Grendel is a brutish, gory, and hellish monster. Clearly, ripping the arm off of such a beast requires great strength and power. Here, Beowulf, in conjunction with many other classic heroes, like Hercules, displays his somewhat inhuman strength to perform such a dangerous task. Plus, during the fight with Grendel’s mother, Beowulf uses “a heavy/ sword, hammered by giants” (530-531) as a weapon against the seemingly impervious mother. This otherworldly weapon would need strength to lift, let alone use. Then, later in the battle, Beowulf cuts the head off of Grendel’s mother with this mythical sword, having swung and “caught her in the neck and cut it through, /broke bones and all” (539-540). The effort necessary to perform such a task is great. Beowulf, however,

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