
Beowulf Is An Epic Hero

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In the dark, rainy Gotham city, the Clown Prince Joker and the Dark Knight Detective Batman are battling it out in the Madhouse. Imagine if Joker and Batman existed in real life. In Robert Nye’s book, Beowulf: A New Telling, a character almost like the Joker exists. A hero similar to Batman is needed to stop monsters like the Joker. But not any hero, an epic hero. Beowulf shows he is an epic hero in three ways. These characteristics of Beowulf are superior strength and courage, performing brave deeds, and that he went on a quest. To start off, Beowulf is an epic hero he if has superior strength. In this text, “Beowulf had pulled off Grendel’s arm out of its socket”(Nye PDF 76). This shows why Beowulf is an epic hero because of his superior strength because to pull an arm socket off it would take 7Kn(Newton) to 30Kn, indefinitely it would at least take 1543 pounds and 3.77 ounces to 6746 pounds and 2.32 ounces. This means that Beowulf is a superhuman and an epic hero almost always superhuman. For another reason why Beowulf is an epic hero is because he has courage. In this text, “Beowulf shrugged. “My sword? Oh, I left it in the sun somewhere. I need no sword.” “No sword! But how—?” “Does Grendel use a sword?” demanded Beowulf. “Of course not. But he will eat—” “Have swords been any good against him in …show more content…

However, even though he lost to Breca in a swimming match. But, even though he has lost to Breca it does not mean he doesn’t have superior strength, for example, he rips Grendel's arm off (Nye PDF 76) which takes 7Kn to 30Kn. Which means he superhuman. Another example would be when he fought five sea monsters by himself(Nye PDF 61). This is significant because Beowulf had the strength to fight five sea monsters in a storm by himself. To close, even though Beowulf had lost to Breca in swimming doesn't mean he is

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