
Beowulf: The Hero We Deserve

Decent Essays

Beowulf: The Hero we Deserve The epic Beowulf tests the values of a hero, specifically Beowulf, in Anglo-Saxon society. His clout and audacity gets tested throughout the epic fighting various monsters from Grendel, a satanic monster, to fierce dragons. The characteristics that Beowulf possesses as a hero include his robust courage, his pure loyalty, his impeccable strength, and his devout faith in God. Even though Beowulf seems to be the perfect hero, he does have his flaws. Beowulf’s impulsive and rash decision making is something that puts him in danger, and eventually brings him to his end.
Beowulf is a courageous person who has the best qualities to be a top notch hero. He has no fear in anything, which is shown when he learns about Grendel …show more content…

His ability to stand with a cause, no matter the risk and fear it may take to face. While talking to King Hrothgar, Beowulf says “My people have said, the wisest, most knowing/ And best of them, that my duty was to go to the Danes’/ Great King” (“Beowulf” 149-151). We can see from this quote that Beowulf is really loyal his Geat people. His aptitude to listen to his people, even though he isn’t even a king, really shows his passion for his people. When Beowulf challanged the dragon and all of his accomplices fled Beowulf felt that he was “a king, before, but now/ A beaten warrior” (“Beowulf” 690-691). Beowulf, knowing that death is looming, accepts it with honor, and fights the dragon to death, taking it down with his loyal ally. Taking down the dragon as a last sacrifice to his people is something only the most loyal of heroes would offer. At Beowulf’s final breaths, he honors his one ardent companion, Wiglaf when the “brave king gave the golden/ Necklace from around his throat to Wiglaf, / Gave him his gold-covered helmet, and his rings, / And his mail shirt, and ordered him to use them well” (“Beowulf” 820-823). Beowulf honors his fellow loyal soldiers, paving a way for more Geat’s to be loyal. By giving remuneration for being loyal, Beowulf effectively set up a legion of people loyal to the Geat people. Beowulf’s loyal perspective on life, has proven him to be a great hero that will go …show more content…

Beowulf is “greater/ And stronger than anyone anywhere in the world” (“Beowulf” 110-111). Being emulated as the strongest man on earth really helps give him credibility to be a great warrior. Being able to take down Grendel a demonic creature with exquisite powers with his bare hands is an undertaking only an extremely vigorous person would be able to accomplish. “The shepherd of evil, guardian of crime, /Knew at once that nowhere on earth/ Had he met a man whose hands were harder” (“Beowulf” 273-274). Even Grendel a monster that seems sound enough to come out of the depths of Tartarus, fears Beowulf’s intense strength. Grendel’s premonition of his future after encountering Beowulf is a true sign of Beowulf’s

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