
Bereavement Reflection

Decent Essays

Fall 2017, I decided to participate in a bereavement course. I did not know what to expect as this was a class outside of my scope. As the class progressed, I became more and more interested in the materials the professor had to offer. Bereavement was more than what I once thought it consisted of, and Professor Windsor was very knowledgeable about the process. The intent of this paper is to highlight what was going on inside of me throughout this course.
Internal Emotional Reactions
One emotional reaction that caught my attention during this course was that of sadness. While listening to the stories of others and their grief, along with the instructor sharing her story with the class elicited a strong sense of sorrow inside of me. These stories caused me to reflect back on personal losses in my life. In doing so, it became apparent that some losses in my life still made me feel extremely sad. For example, there was an exercise we did in class where we pretended to be young children. We had to color a box and draw on it something that reminded us of someone we lost. I choose to create a memorial for my best friend. Before participating in this activity, I never put much thought into how I actually felt regarding losing her. As a result of the activity, I now know her leaving affected me in ways I did not know. Moving forward, I plan to process this event and try to heal from it. In this way, I may move on.
Another emotional reaction that caught my attention was that of

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