
Berlin Wall Dbq

Decent Essays

In August 1961, the Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev ordered for the construction of the Berlin Wall. This was built entirely on East Berlin soil but surrounded West Berlin to stop the East Berliners from crossing (and fleeing) into West Berlin. There are other reasons why the wall was built, such as Kennedy’s refusal to back down from Khrushchev’s threats and the need to prevent a nuclear war.
One reason as to why the Berlin Wall was built is that East Berliners were escaping to West Berlin. The conditions in the two halves of the city were very different: in the Communist East, wages were small, freedoms were limited and the overall quality of life was low when compared to its Western counterpart; in the Capitalist West, wages were high, …show more content…

Whilst the Soviet Union had more nuclear missiles in total, the USA had much more long-range missiles, meaning that they had a greater advantage in the Arms Race. Also, the USA had military bases in the UK and Turkey, meaning that it would have been very easy to fire missiles accurately onto Soviet targets. This meant that Khrushchev needed to find a solution to the Berlin refugee crisis without furthering the risk of a war that his country could not win, hence a diplomatic decision that would not prompt Western (particularly American) aggression. In US President John F. Kennedy’s own words, “a wall is a lot better than a …show more content…

Kennedy seemed prepared for war, dedicating billions of dollars to defence spending. This was something that the Soviet Union had not been investing in, thus further widening the gap in the Arms Race. If Kennedy anticipated a nuclear attack and was, in some way, prepared for Soviet aggression, then Khrushchev and the Soviet Union would have even less to gain by firing nuclear missiles at the USA (who would have, of course, retaliated). As already established, the Soviet Union would never have been able to win a nuclear war and Kennedy’s preparation and defence spending shows that a nuclear war would not even do as much damage to the USA as the Soviet Union had hoped. In summary, Kennedy had called Khrushchev’s bluff and stood up to him, and consequently Khrushchev needed a new idea because he could never afford to make a nuclear attack on the

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