
Bias In The Media Bias

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There are many different hidden truths in the media that people do not know about due to the fact that the media emphasizes on just one particular point of view. Throughout the years, people have been biased in the media and the reason as to why this happens is that people choose to lean on one side such as republican, democrat, libertarian, or conservative. To be biased means to only be on one side of an argument or situation and only favor more of what one person has to say. There are a variety of different news channels in which they all tend to lean more on one side, there is not a single news channel that is on the same side as another. There are many current events that have multiple contentious between other news channels. The viewers …show more content…

The SMELL test is made up of five steps. The first one is to consider the source and as to where their point of view is coming from and what sort of intent they have with informing the viewer. The second step is to find out what sort of motivation the news channel has behind their informative content, the third step is to examine the evidence as to where if it comes from just their observation or from actual facts. The second to last step is the logic behind the evidence, do the claims logically make sense? Finally, the last step is to ask oneself if there is anything that could have been left out. For example, as a group assignment Tyeshia Rangel and Carson Hefner ran a SMELL test on an event that happened in Anaheim, California that involved an off-duty LAPD officer, Kevin Ferguson, and a thirteen year old, Christian Dorscht. In the happening of the event, the news stations that covered it were Fox News and ABC news. In the Fox News article, they claimed to have been the thirteen year old, Christian Dorscht’s, fault for being on Ferguson's property. Whereas, ABC News sided with Dorscht. In the article, it even stated “The suit also claims that Ferguson was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the altercation” (Insert correct citation). When on the contrary, Fox News did not even mention the fact that Ferguson was …show more content…

Whether it is news channels on the television or whether it is Twitter and Facebook news, the public will always have a way to find out current reports. Since society has become so dependent on technology, a greater amount of individuals get their actual news online and especially through social media. As many of the public know, you cannot trust what people online are saying. Since individuals are so accustomed to getting the news online, many of them tend to believe what they just happen to scroll across on Twitter and Facebook or any other sort of social media. Finding actual facts and truths on the news have become so difficult now, due to all of the millions of different sites and places where we can get our news from. The news online tend to be biased and untrue due to how openly and freely individuals can create their own site and “reports” on current events such as a real news channels would. Social media has just made it more complicated to find the actual accuracy of current events but with enough research, dedication, and using the SMELL test, finding the right information would not be as

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