
Bible Beliefs In The Bible

Decent Essays

In the beginning, God created the Earth and everything on it. He also created man and woman, Adam and Eve, who disobeyed him or one would say sinned against Him (The Catholic Study Bible, Genesis 3:6). Although Adam and Eve disobeyed God, His love and mercy for them was so much that he forgave them. Abraham also sinned, yet God forgave him. Isaac, son of Abraham, followed God’s commandments and was faithful to Him. Isaac prayed to God to ask to allow his wife, Rebekah, to conceive (The Catholic Study Bible, Genesis 25:21). God answered Isaac’s prayer because He knows what’s best and because of His love for Isaac. Jacob, son of Isaac, deceived his brother and father to receive the blessing (The Catholic Study Bible, Genesis 27: 5-29). This happened just as God said it would. It was the fulfillment of His word. The Israelites were God’s chosen people, because He promised Abraham that his descendants would become a great nation (The Catholic Study Bible, Genesis 12:3). God fulfills His promise and protects the Israelites because of His love and mercy He has towards humanity. Throughout my life there have been many obstacles I’ve had to face, but the Bible verses of John 3:16, Romans 8:18, and Philippians 4:13 helped me get through those difficult times. There are three definite moments in my life where I don’t think I could have gotten through it without the Gospel, which are when my sister passed away, my first heart break, and when I didn’t like the way I looked. When I was twelve years old my older sister died. This was a very difficult time for me because I lost my best friend and I was still young, so I didn’t comprehend it fully. The days following her death I was extremely sad and lonely. I felt like I couldn’t talk to my parents because I didn’t want to make them sad and I couldn’t talk to my friends, because they didn’t understand what I was going through. So, that’s when I made the choice to pick up my Bible and look for some comfort. As I read through, the main verse that stuck out to me was John 3:16, which was also my sister’s favorite. John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but have eternal life” (The Catholic

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