
Black Plague Dbq

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The Renaissance was an important event in human history that caused us to realise how important being individual is. When the black plague occurred, it made people think that there may not be a god because of how tragic it was. Many important people such as Leonardo Da Vinci began making art and literature that were less religious and more in this world. Also the city states had changes that were necessary for the Renaissance. Without the changes Europe experienced we would still be under the rule of the church and be forced into a certain religion instead of being free thinking individuals. Black Death: The Black Plague was a dreadful event that caused suffering in Europe, however it was also a wake up call for humanity. Many people believed that the pandemic was because the gods were angry at humanity for… some reason? After the bodies piled up on the street and pits were made to put them in instead of graves people wondered if the gods really cared about them. Another thing the black plague caused is a new class which was the middle class. Serfs and peasants were dying and the demand for them increased to a colossal extent. There was literally a law that had to be made saying basically you had to be part of a landlord's …show more content…

His art was less religious than other works, one of the biggest was the Mona Lisa, instead of looking heavenly it was just a normal person. The last supper made Jesus the most prominent person in the bible look like a normal person instead of a godly figure with a halo. Another big change Leonardo caused is the study of the human body. It was considered a disgrace to mangle human corpses according to the church yet in secret Leonardo would take body's and dissect them. He made many discoveries including 3+ organs that no one knew about. He made a diagram of the human body that people still use

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