
Book My life is a confusing mess. I could start with my childhood Or even some other random

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My life is a confusing mess.
I could start with my childhood Or even some other random tangent that no one reading this book will even begin to care about, but I won't. Instead I'll start with the beginning of 7th grade. To be specific the few weeks leading up to seventh grade.
It was hot and miserable and I needed to learn what shaving was. But honestly I wasn't all that concerned. I was being forced to help with registering all the students at Mt. Robles Jr. High. Fuck me.
A. I didn't want to spend the last few sweet days of my summer looking at the pathetic faces of my fellow students.
B. I would rather be bored than face my peers.
So in my current state of mind, shit wasn't going to happen.
But, you know …show more content…

I let my thoughts wander.
I think of the fall, how the air will smell spicy and sweet. Like coffee and cinnamon and pumpkin pie. And she smelled like that. Whoever she is. Cinnamon. Coffee. Pumpkin. Fall. Her.
Fuck. I just gave them way too much change.
I go back to thinking about my job. Refusing to let my thoughts budge from my task. I work and work and work. I lose track of time.
Four hours had gone by. I had just wasted 4 whole hours of my life. Meh.
I take my lunch break. I eat some cold pizza while walking around the school.
I tell myself I'm just looking for my class rooms. But I'm lying to myself. I walk the hallways bumping into people. Up and down the school. Repeat.
12:45. I'm late for my job.
I run back to the gym but thankfully only a trickle of students are in the room at the moment. Back to the transcript.
I see more friends and my mood lightens. We talk and exchange stories from our summer. Most of them are grossly over exaggerated lies told to impress one another.
I go back to work. Another half hour passes and then...
She comes to my table and hands me her form. Only her last name is on the name line. It's my lucky day. I almost lose my cool, well all the cool that you can have in an indoor oven.
Even though the heat I can smell the spicy scent of coffee and cinnamon.
Me: What's your first name?
Her: Helena
I write it on the line and then stick out my hand.
Me: I'm

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