
Brain Development In Children With Autism

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Scientists have studied disorders such as Autism for quite some time, and as technology and medicine advance so does our knowledge of these diseases. Though scientists believed that Autism was caused by genetic and environmental factors, we still cannot be sure what causes certain people to be diagnosed with it. However, researchers might be closer to answering this question than ever before. GENE MUTATION STUDY According to Aamna Mohdin, the UBE3A gene's being constantly switched “on” in children causes Autism. This enzyme is essential to brain development, and in a normal situation, it would have a phosphate molecule attached to it that would turn it off in the developmental process. Mohdin explains that, “As a result of being constantly switched on, UBE3A becomes hyperactive.” This is what the researchers believe leads to the abnormal brain development in children with Autism. AUTISM …show more content…

A debate was also sparked by the severe behavioral issues arise. Autism Awareness is growing, and the debate on the best way to help the children is still underway. However, this new study is a step in the right direction to understanding the disease and possibly having the ability to diagnose it better, and treat it

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