
Brown v. Board & Mendez v. Westminster Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Based specifically on the assigned readings on Mendez v. Westminster and Brown v. Board of Education, please respond to the following questions. Each of your answers should consist of one paragraph comprised of 5-7 sentences. It is recommended that you download the document in Word, type your responses directly into the document, and print it out. If you choose to handwrite your responses, PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY, in black or blue ink. This handout will be graded on a scale of 1-25, with 5 possible points for each question. You will be graded on the thoughtfulness of your response and your effort to support your argument. 1) How did the majority opinion in the Supreme Court’s 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision legally shape race …show more content…

3) In what ways did Charles Hamilton Houston and W.E.B. DuBois differ in their approaches to school integration? Why? [Optional: Who do you think was right and why? You may use extra lines if you would like to respond.] Houston fought for black civil rights through the legal system. He was a prominent black lawyer and believed that legal tradition inspired judicial restraint, whereas legal realism inspired judicial activism. This not only sparked a change in those that worked with Houston, but it incorporated using laws to help blacks with civil injustices wherever possible. DuBois approached school integration and civil rights issues through militant socialism. He believed that blacks needed to strengthen their own infrastructure in order to gain a better social structure. This didn’t sit well with the NAACP. I believe that Houston had a better approach to the issue of school integration because his approach was accepted by more individuals. DuBois offended more people by saying that blacks needed to create a change amongst themselves in order to be accepted more in society. 4) The Supreme Court ruled on Sweatt v. Painter and McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents in 1950, and on Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. What would you argue were the most important distinctions between the two 1950 cases, on the

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