
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Individual Report: Corruption

Best Essays

Business Ethics and
Corporate Social Responsibility

Individual report: Corruption

February 2013

Friedrich Heinrich Zenzen
University of Greenwich

Corruption is a complex political, social, and economic anomaly that negatively affects developing and developed countries. It weakens democratic institutions, holds economic development, widening the rich-poor gap and certainly leads to governmental instability. The World Bank definition of corruption states that “…the abuse of public office for private gain”.
Corruption can be distinguished regarding to where it happens: at the political or management levels of the public sector, or in the private sector between customer and supplier. It can be identified regarding …show more content…

Ford and Richardson (1994) the model of ethical decision-making is generally detached by individual factors and situational factors, which in situational factors is the most important.
Individual factors helps to understand the reason for some people perceive specific action to be unethical whiles others do not. However, the decision-making cannot simply be explained in terms of these individual factors, because after all several people seems to have ‘multiple ethical selves’ (Trevino and Nelson 2007:180) – that is, they make different decisions in different situations. Situational factors accepted to be the most important.

Individual Factors | Situational Factors | Age and gender | Issue-related | Moral intensity | National and cultural characteristics | | Moral framing | Education and employment | | Rewards | Psychological factor: | | Authority | Cognitive moral development and Locus of control | Context-related | Bureaucracy | Personal values | | Work roles | Personal integrity | | Organisational culture | Moral

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