
Case Study On Pivotal

Decent Essays

Pivotal advocacy team member Bridget Kromhout took some time out from speaking about distributed systems at last month’s Ricon to chat to Voxxed about her experiences as an early Docker adopter (before it was even really safe for use), following tech trends, and why “just rubbing” some containers on your problems won’t magically fix everything. Voxxed: What was your background before coming to Pivotal? Kromhout: I spent from 1999 to 2015 on call for production infrastructure. You have a lot of war stories from that I imagine? A lot of war stories! The gig that I was most recently at before Pivotal, I spent a year doing platform operations for a small streaming startup called 'DramaFever,' which is much like Netflix, if Netflix were much …show more content…

I think that, probably, the best answer to that is, choose the tech that's right for your workloads, for your business needs, or your organisation's goals if you're not a business. I like to say that you don't just choose tech by a buzzword or keyword generator...though there certainly is a bit of tribalism and fashion...I like to think that people like, say Java programmers, are looking at something like Spring Boot or Spring Cloud, they're looking at it because they see the benefits it can bring to them... I think that instead of having a specific goal of say using containers, it should be a goal of iterating faster, more reliably. And then you can use some sort of platform - whatever it is that you're using - to run those containerised workloads in. What is going on in the [container ecosystem] is that people are really recognising the value of having some amount of platform and platform components. I was really happy when they open sourced runC because it divided the community to have Rocket over here with CoreOS, and Docker over there...and then Pivotal was doing this warden thing… A lot of people don't like to sit and argue what their favourite option is. They want to get some value when they're getting their applications out there. So having more standardisation in the community...Docker is now the PDF of container formats. We've all agreed there's a standard, we're all going to move forward with this

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