
Case Study : Supply Chain Management Essay

Better Essays


“The best supply chains aren’t just fast and cost-effective. They are also agile and adaptable, and they ensure that all their companies’ interests stay aligned.” (Lee, 2004)

Supply chain management or SCM is a series of interconnected and interdependent operational functions and decisions. It is the blend of art and science that goes into enhancing the company’s procedures in obtaining the raw materials it requires to create a product or service and distribute it to customers (Harland Jr, 2013). All successful e-commerce businesses have one strategy in common, that similarity is the emphasis on creating and developing supply chains that distributes products and services to customers as cheaply and fast as possible. Leading e-commerce business and enterprise continually invest on improving the speed and cost-reduction of their supply chains, in which implementing a supply chain management proves to be beneficial. Supply chains that are flexible, nimble, and aligned can deliver sustainable competitive advantage, which is crucial to successful e-commerce (Lee, 2004).

This essay will discuss the statement ‘good supply chain management is key to successful e-commerce’ taking into account the main functions of supply chain management in relation to e-commerce businesses. It will also highlight several problems organisations face in implementing a good supply chain management system and how to overcome these drawbacks. Furthermore, the essay will include two

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