
Catalyst Style Tips

Decent Essays

Hello, Catalysts writers!

It's mid-October and I thought I would send out an email to give you some tips and guidance while you're working on content for 1117. My goal will be to send out a monthly email but feel free to reach out any time you have questions!

Think of your Audience

Before sitting down to write something, I always like to take a second to think about my audience. Who will be reading my content and why will they be reading it? Keep this in mind helps me tailor my message. For example, a landing page will have a different audience than a press release.

Also, be sure to consider the tone and feel of a piece. Blog posts should be informative but they should also be a bit more casual and girl-friendy than a landing page. Both are designed for patients to …show more content…

I updated the attached template has some guidance. You can also find it in the Writer's Folder.
Never put keywords in quotes, because quotes can interfere with SEO.
Never say "you," your" or "you're" in Facebook ads. Facebook thinks these words "target" people.

Style Tips

Here is a list of general style tips for Catalyst pieces.

Always make sure to properly identify the content as a blog or page in the header. This information tells Ryan how to load the content.
Don't use the Oxford comma, unless the sentence would be confusing without it. For example, the sentence contains a list of items within a list.
Try to avoid using colons (:).
Only capitalize the name of a disease if it is a person's name (Example: Gaucher's disease).
Use M.D. (or the appropriate title) on the first mention of the doctor. All following mentions can say Dr. The only exception is if the full name of the doctor is being used as a keyword.

I realize that this is a lot of information in one email, so let me know if you have any questions. Thank you to all of you for everything that you do for Catalyst! You make our team great!

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