
Cattle Nutrition Paper

Decent Essays

Opposing Views of Cattle Nutrition When eating anything, most people check the labels to see what the food all consists of. Just like when eating hamburger, some people may want to know if the hamburger came from grass-fed or grain-fed cattle. Depending on the person, they might prefer one over the other. Some people may think that one tastes better than the other or they may just think it is healthier. Not only might the meat coming from the cattle be affected, but also the milk coming from a cow. Either way, further explanations for grass-fed vs. grain-fed cattle will be discussed in this paper.
To start this paper off right, it is important to know the definitions of both grass-fed and grain-fed. According to IGrow a Service of SDSU Extension: …show more content…

Additionally, differences in other vitamins and minerals, such as iron and zinc, have not been shown to be significantly difference in between grain-fed and grass-fed cattle. (Prosch 1) Though there are differences, even if it may only be slight differences, it all comes down to the buyer and what they prefer. Not only does grass-fed or grain-fed apply to the consumers but also to the ranchers/farmers raising the cattle. The reasoning for this is because of the milk being produced by the cow. Though the differences between grass-fed and grain-fed meat may not be extremely different, the difference between milk productions is. More and more cattle are being put into feedlots so they can be fed grain. This is happening because feeding them grain helps the cows produce more milk. The article, Super Natural Milk, states that on average, cows raised in confinement produce more than three times as much milk as the family cow of days gone by and fifteen times the amount required to raise a healthy calf. (Super Natural …show more content…

Cows who are on grass tend to not produce nearly as much but it is proven that the less milk a cow produces, the more vitamins in her milk. This is because a cow has a set amount of vitamins to transfer to her milk, and if she’s bred, fed, and injected to be a Super Producer, her milk has fewer vitamins per glass. It is a watered down version of the real thing. (Super Natural 1) Depending on the person, whoever it may be, might like a more watered down milk. Even if the milk has fewer vitamins, the taste could be the ticket for certain people. Others may like thicker milk with more vitamins although that would mean a slower milk production. It all comes down to the consumer and what they want. Just like earlier in this paper when discussing the differences about grass-fed vs. grain-fed beef. Slight differences have the ability to make or break a person’s opinions and thoughts. Some people may also be pickier than others when it comes to their food and

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