
Causes Of The Berlin Wall

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The first note was written by the United States to the USSR. The note opens by stating that the United States has problems with what the government of the USSR is doing. In the second paragraph, August 13, 1961 is referenced. This is the day that Berlin awoke to find that the East German Army had begun to place a barbed wire fence that would cut off West Berlin from East Germany. When the wall was built, millions of East Germans were prevented from fleeing to West Berlin. This mass emigration was occurring because the economic and political situation in East Germany was poor and the people were fleeing to West Germany where the conditions were better. In the third paragraph, the United States rejects the building of the wall as it would prevent the East Germans from fleeing to the West. The United States asserts that this breaks the quadripartite agreement along with the decision made by the Council of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Four Powers. The United States says that it never agreed to restricting movement in Berlin and that makes the actions of the East German government illegal. In the fourth paragraph, the United States says that East Germany has admitted that the only reason the wall was built was due to political and internal turmoil. The political and internal reasons that the note refers to are the differences in the governments in East and West Berlin. In East Berlin there was communist rule under Soviet leadership. The Soviets had not accepted the

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