
Celeste Headlee's How To Have A Good Conversation

Decent Essays

In the video “How to Have a Good Conversation,” May (2015), by Celeste Headlee provides us with insight on today’s world, and how we interact with each other. Celeste Headlee proves her point by talking about statistics. Also she brings up technology, and social media. She is sharing information to help change the way we speak to one another, and it is her purpose, because there needs to be a change with the way we communicate. The biggest audience she is trying to grab the attention of is her audience or everybody, because many need to see how the world has changed. Celeste Headlee catches the audience’s attention and keeps them engaged by telling real life stories. She starts off by giving a statistic that within the talk alone about a third of American teenagers send more than a hundred texts a day. Then she gives a brief introduction of herself so that the audience understands what she does. She does not acknowledge any other experts in the field but she does acknowledge the sources from which she has obtained information. The work that is discussed, however, validates her authority on the subject and convinces the audience that she is knowledgeable on the topic. Pulling at the brains of the audience, Celeste tells the audience “All right. I want …show more content…

The audience laughs and the idea she is proving is intensified. The moments in which she steps back and allows the audience to think are profoundly effective. The audience feels very engaged and claps when she discusses the moves America needs to take. She leaves the audience by saying, “you do the same thing. Go out, talk to people, listen to people, and, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed.” This last statement not only summarizes her hope for the future, but also challenges the audience to do something about

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