
Character Analysis Of Lily Owens In 'When She Doesn T Cry'

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Major Characters: Lily Owens is the protagonist of the story. She is the 14-year-old, daughter of T. Ray. She’s lives in Sylvan, South Carolina on a peach farm. T. Ray Owens is Lily's widowed father. He owns and works on the peach farm in Sylvan, South Carolina. He is not a good father to Lily, he abuses her and unfairly punishes her for asking simple questions. Rosaleen Daise is the Owen’s nanny and housekeeper. She is African American and lives in a small house near the farm. She is like a mother to Lily; since lily does not have a mother. August Boatwright is an African American in Tiburon, South Carolina that lives a pink house. She owns is a bee company and sells the honey. The label on her jars is like a picture that Lily has of her mother; …show more content…

Where the bees flying around Lily’s room the first night figurative or literal? Why did T-Ray always punish Lily for the thing she did? Does Rosaleen have a family? Was there ever a house keeper before Rosaleen? Why did T-Ray have a peach farm? 10. “But she’s white, August.” (pg.87) When June is talking she says this about Lily. One of the main conflicts in the novel is discrimination. Lily is taken aback when she hears June say this because she was normally not the one being discriminated for her color. “Most people don’t have any idea about all the complicated life going on inside a hive. Bees have a secret life we don’t know anything about” (pg.148) I think that this quote is important because it helps develop the metaphor of society being like the hive and a bee being a human. What it means is that humans normally are more complicated then they seem. “Our mother said she was like Mary, with her heart on the outside of her chest.” (pg. 97) August says this quote when she’s talking about may. Its shows how she is emotionally unstable. “The truth is your mother ran off and left you.” pg.39 T-Ray is speaking at this point int the novel and he is talking about Lily. You can see the conflict start to develop with the rising tension between T-Ray and

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