
Characteristics And Differences Of Anton Chekov And Bertolt Brecht

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Anton Chekov and Bertolt Brecht are two theatre practitioners whose work has had a significant impact on the development of modern theatrical practices. Both of these men’s contributions revolutionised the nature of theatre at their time and their work has greatly shaped modern acting techniques and theatre conventions. However, Brecht and Chekhov share more differences than similarities in the way they approached theatre. These differences are strikingly evident while examining their plays. This essay will identify these key differences between Brecht and Chekov and will examine how the different approaches affect each practitioners work.
Firstly, one of the most notable differences between Chekhov and Brecht is the aims that they wished to fulfil through theatre. Brecht viewed theatre as a vehicle to critique the society in which he lived in order to inspire his audience to enact social and political change. However, Chekhov’s work focused on the creation of an authentic reality which highlights the nature of human behaviour. Highly influenced by living in Germany at the time of World War II, Brecht was troubled by …show more content…

The orchard is only relevant due to each individual’s relationship with it, again directing the attention of the audience onto the characters. We see the cherry orchard through the lens of different characters and the significance that it holds for them. For example, in the case of Renveskaya, the cherry orchard is the key to her past, her childhood and is terrified at the thought of losing it. For Lopakhin, the orchard represents opportunity, a chance for him to finally prove himself and distance himself from his past life as a lower class citizen. From Anya’s point of view, it the change in her life; after returning from Paris her life is completely different and the cherry orchard doesn’t embody the same importance for her as it once did. She

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