
Charles Perkins Aboriginal Rights

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Charles Perkins was an Australian whose birth took place in Alice Spring’s Telegraph Station which was controlled by police, in the year 1936. He and his mother called a mud hut home in Alice Springs until they were coerced to leave, for a law existed which prohibited the inhabitation of Aboriginals in this area. Although he was removed from his home, he is not said to have been part of the Stolen Generation. Being forced to leave Alice Springs, Charles was left a scar as it is documented that he did not live there again. However, since he was raised there and his childhood experiences and memories were stamped there, he made it a habit to visit there on a regular basis. It is believed that Charles was around ten years of age when he relocated. …show more content…

In comparison to the white people’s rights, the Aboriginals had next to little or no rights. Charles had the desire to make a change in the world and therefore created the Freedom Ride in 1965. The Freedom Ride consisted of thirty white students from university who planned to take a bus and travel New South Wales. During this journey, they intended to investigate the living conditions of Indigenous people in all aspects of life: health, education and housing. They wanted to study the different races and their interactions with each other in Australia, and the level of racism and protest against it. They travelled to the town of Dubbo, where Aboriginal people were locked up for singing in their language. In theatres in Walgett, the black people were seated in the front, while the white people had the privilege to enjoy from the top seats. If the black people were to sit in the whites’ allocated spots, they were tossed down and the police were called. In Moree, Indigenous people were restricted from using local pools and in Bowraville, segregation was the norm. While the Freedom Riders travelled to these places, they were mistreated. In Moree for example, the female students of the Freedom Ride were spat on and Charles Perkins himself had an egg thrown at him, and was punched. Despite such difficulties, they

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