
Cheryl Henson Case Summary

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Cheryl (Robinson) Henson filed a complaint against Dr. Eric Kondro alleging inappropriate prescribing narcotics pain killer to her ex-husband Paul D. Forbis. Cheryl (Robinson) Henson stated her ex-husband had an addiction problem for the past 15 years and Dr. Kondro was fully aware of Forbis’ condition.

Cheryl (Robinson) Henson states her ex-husband had been in “rehab” for treatment and Dr. Pineda had assisted getting Forbis admitted to Valley Hope. He also was being treated by Dr. Wolkowitz for pain management.

Cheryl (Robinson) Henson stated Forbis was seeing a Doctor in the St. Louis area who would not write him early prescriptions for refills of methadone used to treat his addiction, because he was taking more than the prescribed amount. So Forbis went to Dr. Kondro and received a prescription for Vicodin. …show more content…

Forbis was killed in a motor vehicle crash on July 22, 2014. The Lab Toxicology Report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol indicates negative results for ethyl alcohol and carbon monoxide and showed positive for

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