
Child Abuse Is A Serious Problem

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Children all around the world are going through a lot when it comes to child abuse, especially the children in the United States. According to Child Abuse Statistics (2012) more than three million reports of child abuse in the United States and these reports involves more than six million children. The United Stated have a really high number of child abuse crime compared to other countries. Every ten seconds a report of child abuse is made. The United Stated lose about four to seven children every day because of child abuse and three out of four of these children of under four year old. Child abuse is a serious problem in the United Stated and the numbers of report and death of children to child abuse increasing.
Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child. Child abuse is describe as physical, sexual, and emotional maltreatment or neglects of a child. Physical abuse is when a parent or guardian cause physical injury/ harm to a child, which include kicking, shaking, burning, choking, biting, beating and punching. From the book Family Violence, Yuwiler said, “Abusers are manipulative and often try to make the victim feel that he or she deserves to be punished (18). “ Sexual abuse is when an adult use a child for sexual purposes. Sexual abuse include unwanted touching of private parts or sexual acts. When it comes to sexual abuse, abusers make the child believe

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