
Child Prostitution And The Exploitation Of Children Essay

Decent Essays

Child prostitution is prostitution that involves exploiting children for a sexual act. The word usually refers to prostitution of a minor, or someone who is under the legal age of consent. In most places child prostitution is illegal, but not all. Sex trafficking is usually the first step to child prostitution. Sex trafficking is when a child is kidnapped or tricked into becoming involved in the black market sex trade or “survival sex.” “Survival sex” is when a child forced to engage in sexual acts to obtain basic life essentials. With child prostitution comes child pornography. Child pornography is the exploitation of children for sexual stimulation. It may produce with consent or non-consent. However, some people travel across the world to engage in “child sex tourism”. “Child sex tourism” is tourism for the purpose of child prostitution. “Child sex tourism” is most severe in South America and Asia, but is still a global problem. Most of the children involved with prostitution are girls, despite an increase in the number of young boys in the trade. Over 100,000 children have been forced into prostitution or pornography every year, as part of the $9.8 billion U.S. sex trafficking industry. “Child sex trafficking has been a severe problem. According to the Department of Justice, forty percent of all human trafficking cases opened for investigation between January 2008 and June 2010 were for the sexual trafficking of a child. Victims on average are between the

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