
Childhood Is It Me Or Are The Kids Of Today

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Is it me or are the kids of today getting older younger? Envision this: an eight year old girl watching movies containing sex scenes; a 12 year old girl wearing slutty adult styled clothing accompanied with a face caked with makeup ;and finally a 14 year old boy having unprotected sex, resulting in the girl becoming pregnant. What happened... to kids just being kids?
The kids of today are growing up too quickly. With today’s rapidly changing society, keeping children ‘children’ for a long time can be a very difficult. Kids need to be told: once you grow up there’s no going back. Childhood provides time for kids to learn important relationship and life skills. I for one wish I had my childhood back, I reminisce life being so easy, so …show more content…

The media can of course have good resources: education and entertainment, but at the same time can be very toxic to kids. It can result in destructive mind-sets and berserk attitudes in both boys and girls. With the media, children are bombarded by sexual images, drugs and drinking day in and day out. Popular children TV channels like Nickelodeon and the Disney channel have shows where kids are kissing and showing small suggestions of sex. Kids are like sponges: they soak up everything they see, hear and learn. Those in the media need to understand that whatever they do is being viewed by kids all over the world and they are thinking it’s okay to behave in an inappropriate manner. The media is definitely one of the most dominant encouragements to the fast maturity seen in the children of today.
It is no surprise that with the whole new world of technology young children nowadays are becoming more and more obsessive in this realm, both at school and at home. Due to the massive influence of technology, children are learning more, forcing them to grow up quickly and take on a lot more than past generations did. Research taken by Internet security company AVG shows that “more small children can play a computer game than ride a bike. 58% of children aged 2-5 know how to play a ‘basic’ computer game. For the UK and France that jumps to 70%. Even 44% of 2-3 year olds have the ability to play a computer game. By comparison, 43% of kids 2-3 can ride a bike”. These

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